Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for checking out the blog. On the right you will see each post. You can start wherever you like, but the main explanation of IVF starts in the beginning of the posts.

Monday, December 24, 2012

An Eventful Holiday Season!

Lots of fun baby things have been happening here! On Friday, I was at school and felt Kellen move. It was the first time I had no doubts it was him. Ever since then, I have felt him pretty much every time I sit or lie down. It has been so fun to feel him and I have even gotten a couple serious kicks! This morning, Chris had his hand on my belly and felt him move too! He was very excited... he has been anxiously awaiting that moment for a while now.

Friday night we had our family Christmas at my mom's. Kellen got a super cute car seat cover/shade, a personalized pool towel for Amma's pool, and a handmade teddy bear that my mom has been saving for over two years. It was a very fun night.

Saturday, Uncle Brendan came over and helped Chris paint the nursery. They did an excellent job! We will be adding wainscoting - kind of like white paneling to the bottom, that's why the whole wall isn't painted.

On Sunday, a friend dropped off bags of baby clothes from her three boys. Chris and I went through everything, plus some from our neighbor, and now have 4 garbage bags full of 0-6 months clothes, 2 bins full of 6-12 months clothes, one bin and garbage bag full of 12+ clothes! I'm pretty sure this baby will never wear all his outfits! Everything is too cute though and we feel so blessed. 

We have an ultrasound coming up on Thursday. As you might recall, Kellen wasn't cooperative last time so the doctor didn't get all the pictures she wanted. It will be fun to see him again! Hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The most photographic baby :)

I know I'm a bad blogger since I haven't updated in awhile but things have been busy! So, the biggest news to report is that we are having a boy! I know most of you already know this, but we are sooooo excited! We found out a couple weeks ago at a 3D ultrasound. My mom, stepdad and brother were there. Chris' parents were listening in on the phone (they are in Arizona right now). At first the tech couldn't say for sure if he was a boy, although she suspected he was. He wasn't cooperating and giving us any good angles. I got up and walked around a little bit and lectured him :) When I came back, he was much better and couldn't stop proving that he was a boy! Chris and I both cried when she said he was for sure a he. It was amazing to see his little profile and see him moving all around... totally amazing that something that looks so human can be moving inside me and I couldn't feel him! His name is Kellen Lee Kays and we couldn't be happier. Here are a few of my favorite pics of the night:

My mom gave us an adorable hat and overalls (she had a boy gift and a girl gift ready to go!). We got a little bear with his heartbeat recorded inside it and a DVD showing him moving. We couldn't wait to share the news and this is the picture we sent out letting everyone know... We might be slightly obsessed with our cats.

Last week we had our doctor's ultrasound. They confirmed that he's still a boy and is probably going to stay that way :) Everything looked very healthy - no issues that they can see! We even got to see something very rare - Kellen was practicing his breathing. The tech said they only do that once in a while this early, so we were lucky to see his chest moving up and down. Otherwise, he was a very naughty baby boy! He wouldn't cooperate and we have to go back for another ultrasound because they didn't get all the pictures of his heart that they wanted. They measured the thickness of his skull and Chris said, "if he takes after his mom, it might be on the thicker side." Nice. We were very happy that everything looked good and feel like we're on cloud nine. They did take some pictures of him, but none are that awesome. My blood pressure was way down, which was great news, and I've only gained 3 pounds the whole pregnancy. 

On Saturday, we went to cut down our Christmas tree. On the way there, I think I felt Kellen move for the first time! I have felt it a few more times since then, but it's definitely nothing regular yet. Here's a picture of our last tree without Kellen. It's crazy to think that next year he'll be sitting up and babbling while we put the tree up! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Getting close.....!

Hello all! Just thought I'd update about my follow up doctor's appointment and confirm that yes, Wednesday night we will find out if we are having a boy or girl!

I went to the doctor last Wednesday to get my blood pressure checked again. It was the same as it had been the week before. The doctor took a lot of time to talk to me and explained it this way. Because it's before 20 weeks, this isn't gestational-caused high BP. She said that my BP isn't high enough to be very concerned and she wouldn't recommend trying to lower it to a more "normal" level. She explained that as my baby and placenta have been developing, they've gotten used to my higher BP. If we tried to artificially make it drop, it could be detrimental to the baby. Obviously if it gets higher, they will try to lower it, but for now, everything is OK. I also asked about preeclampsia. She explained that preeclampsia has 2 symptoms: high BP and elevated protein in your urine. Since my BP is already elevated, she ordered a urine test to get a base level of my protein now so if we are concerned about preeclampsia in the future, we can have something to compare it to. So today I have been tied to the house and have had to collect all my urine in a jug. Yes, pregnancy is so glamorous, huh! The doctor really made me feel safe and I am not worried at all. We will continue to monitor things and deal with any problems as they occur.

Which brings me to Wednesday! Yay! Our ultrasound is at 7:30 pm which make Wednesday a LOOOOONG day! Brendan, my mom and Rick will all be there and Penny and Denny will be there over speaker phone. I promise to post the news asap :)

Just FYI, all my money is on a boy! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Scary Halloween

Let me start this by saying that everything is OK! Yesterday, at 14 weeks, we had our next doctor's appointment and it went very well. I have only gained 0.2 pounds, which was very exciting to me, but my blood pressure was a little high - especially because its usually very low. All my blood work came back normal and we heard the heartbeat again. The doctor was very happy with everything.

After we left, I asked my mom if I could borrow her blood pressure cuff just to keep an eye on things. I took it last night and this morning with very high results. This morning it was extremely high so I called the emergency line at my OBGYN. The doctor was concerned as well and told me to leave work, go home, and wait until the office opened so I could make an appointment. She said its too early to be pregnancy related, but I absolutely needed it checked. I definitely freaked out! I just got home, and my pressure at the doctor was the same as it was yesterday, a little high, but not nearly what the cuff said this morning. The doctor isn't sure if the cuff is working properly, so I'm not using it anymore :) I am going back next week for another check, but the doctor said if it stays where it is, they won't be concerned. If it goes up, there are other options we will look into.

So for now, I'm enjoying this sick day on my couch and relaxing! We have our 3D gender ultrasound in just 2 weeks and our regular one with my OB 2 weeks after that.

We have already been getting some wonderful baby gifts and are so grateful to everyone who has supported us and is thinking about us and baby Kays!


Good morning! I know that I posted an update about our first doctor's visit before, but it's not showing up. I definitely want the baby to read this someday, so I'm reposting the basic info for posterity's sake :)

October 3rd - we had our first appointment with my regular OBGYN. Everything went well! Chris wasn't able to be there, but my mom was. We got to hear the heartbeat (with Chris listening in on the phone!). It was truly an amazing, amazing sound. I got pretty emotional later when Chris and I talked about it. The doctor said that hearing such a strong heartbeat at 10 weeks made her feel very confident. That was truly the best part of the whole appointment. I answered a bunch of questions and that was that! Our next appointment is in 4 weeks.

Monday, October 8, 2012

We are having a... embryo!

So sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I've been busy feeling super tired and sleeping every chance I get! :)  Almost three weeks ago we had our second ultrasound with our fertility doctor. When we went in for the ultrasound, our doctor told us that we were looking for growth. When he turned on the monitor we both said "Whoa!" We couldn't believe how big the baby had gotten! You can see the pic below - baby officially has a head... and a big butt.

Our doctor was very pleased with what he saw - we got to see the heartbeat again, so he released us to my regular OBGYN. 

I had that appointment almost a week ago. We did not think we were going to hear the heartbeat, so Chris did not come with me. My mom was there instead, but when we arrived, the doctor said we would try to find the heartbeat. We called Chris and he was able to hear it over the phone. Truly, it was the most amazing sound I have ever heard. Our doctor said that after hearing that strong heartbeat, our chances of miscarriage are as low as possible - less than 5%. That was the best news! Everything else went well during the appointment, and we go back in 4 more weeks. 

We will be 11 weeks pregnant tomorrow! I can't believe we're almost in the second trimester. The baby is moving around now (although I obviously can't feel it yet), and it has the start of teeth. It has defined hands and feet. I have been feeling OK. I have been nauseous a lot, but don't really throw up. The most intense symptom has been my fatigue which is totally nuts! I cannot believe how tired I am! 

Thank you so much for all your support. We feel so blessed to have such great family and friends who will love this baby! We will find out pink or blue in just 5 weeks on Nov 14 - Looking forward to that for sure! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The cutest smudge ever

Today was our ultrasound and the first time we got to peek in on Baby Kays! Yes, baby, as in singular, one. While I am sure we could have handled twins, I am happy that we can focus all our attention on one baby. A spoiled one it will be!

Our doctor said everything looked great and we even got to see the heartbeat! Very amazing, considering the baby is the size of a pea! The heartbeat isn't loud enough to hear yet on an ultrasound - have to wait until 12 weeks for that, but it is alive and kicking and we couldn't be happier!

We go back in 2 weeks just to check everything out one more time and then we will be released to my regular OBGYN.

I truly cannot believe how in love I can already be with something that looks like a tadpole :) but it was most definitely the cutest, smartest smudge I have ever seen!!!

Thank you for all your love and support over the past 2 weeks, keep us in your prayers, our journey is nowhere near over - Love you all,

Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 5 :)

Hello all,

Many of you have been asking how I've been feeling so I thought I would just send out a general update. We are currently in week 5 (according to my calculations) and I'm feeling OK. I am definitely tired, but it's the first week of school so everyone is tired! Yesterday I started coming down with a cold and I definitely am not feeling well because of that. The doctor said I could take zyrtec, benadryl, mucinex, tylenol etc. but I really don't want to take anything just yet. So for the first time in my life we'll see if my body can beat this cold by itself! :) Glad to have a 3 day weekend to take it easy -

Other than that, Chris and I are both doing well. He is being crazy overprotective, which for the time being, is very cute. He is making me eat salmon (omega -3s make smart babies, ya know) and listen to classical music (see the last comment). He is limiting my intake of caffeine and sugar, but I have to say, he is doing the same for himself so I won't complain :)

We are very anxious for our ultrasound next Wednesday Sept. 5 in the afternoon. We cannot wait to see our baby (or tadpole as it is right now) and make sure he/she is growing as expected. We will certainly update you all after next week's appointment.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers, I can't believe we still have 35 weeks to go!! :) I am ready to enjoy every minute -

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Happiest Day

By now many of you know that Chris and I are pregnant! Our 4th donor insemination attempt was successful! Here are the details:

Two weeks ago, Monday, was our insemination. On Friday we decided to go to Columbus, spur of the moment, to have one last hurrah before school started and to celebrate my birthday. I took a test with us to take on Saturday morning. We had a great dinner and went to bed. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning to use the restroom and took a test. It has always been my belief that if you don't see a positive result right away, it isn't positive, I never wait the 3 minutes you are supposed to. I also, however, never throw a test out for a few hours. So the test wasn't positive and I put it on the sink. At 7:30 I woke up again to use the restroom and when I went in the bathroom, the test was positive. I, of course, freaked out and yelled for Chris to get in the bathroom. Now, if you are as intimate with pregnancy tests as I am, you would know that the directions always say you can't read the results after like 10 minutes. So, I told Chris we had to go buy another test. We got dressed, and walked 6 blocks to a CVS but it was closed! I was ready to throw a rock through the window, but Chris talked me out of it. We walked back to our hotel and I remembered that there was a little convenient store in it. We went there and there was ONE box of tests left! Of course it cost like 10 times what a normal box would cost, but I couldn't have cared less. I, of course, told the clerk our whole story and she told us to come back down and tell her the results.

So we went up to the room and I had Chris start the timer when we took this test, but it turned positive right away! After I cried, I called the clerk and she was screaming, "I knew it!" She also told me it's a boy :) Chris says she apparently moonlights as a psychic. We drove home from Columbus in a daze. We shared the news with our family, and made an appointment to get a blood test Monday.

Sunday was a very difficult day. I felt excited, unbelievably scared, and everything in between. Chris tended to just hover on the unbelievably scared side (shocker, I know). After everything that happened the last time we had a positive test, we just really wanted that blood test level.

Monday morning (the first day of school!) I had the blood test and we got the results very quickly. A nurse called and said she had good news! I immediately started hyperventilating. My levels were 152, last time they were 86 and they like them to be over 100. With this level they do not want me to come back for a second blood test. Instead, we will do an internal ultrasound in 2 weeks to find out if there are one or two babies (levels point to one, so take a sigh of relief!). I called Chris and told him we were good. I didn't hear anything and said, "are you there?" He was crying and couldn't talk. First time he cried since we found out so it was a really cool moment.

I don't have an official due date, but according to the internet I'll be due end of April/beginning of May. We truly cannot say thank you enough for the amount of prayers, support, and love we have received. We still have a long journey ahead of us before our dreams are truly realized, but I can't spend everyday worrying so I'm celebrating every moment I can!

I'm feeling fine... had some cramping which the doctor explained is normal. I told the nurse I wasn't feeling any symptoms yet and she told me not to complain! :) I'm definitely not complaining, but would love to feel different so I know everything's ok.

We will, of course, keep you updated. Please keep us in prayers, we certainly aren't out of the woods yet!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Info

Good morning! Yesterday we had our appointment with our doctor to discuss what to do if our 4th attempt is unsuccessful. He reiterated that he sees no evidence that anything is wrong with me. He said we need to give IUI 6 chances to really get the full benefit. He did say that we could use injectable drugs, similar to IVF drugs, to increase the quality of our eggs even more. The downside is that using only injectables raises your twin rate to 25% and triplets to 2-3%. Our doctor will always say that multiples isn't ideal just because of the increased risk of danger to mom and babies. We decided on a compromise where I will still be on the oral medication I have been using but also do a smaller amount of injectables. He actually gave us the injectables for free so we won't even have to pay anything extra.

It's too late to do the injectables with this 4th round, so we will continue as normal this month. I have an ultrasound Friday and will then find out when the insemination will be.

In the meantime, we are certainly not giving up on exploring other options. If this doesn't work after 6 times, I really want to have a plan in place for what we will do next. We have a conference call on Friday with an adoption counselor to ask her questions. I am also in the process of reaching out to the contacts so many of you gave me on FB. We are just trying to get all the facts so we can make the best decision for us!

Thank you for all your support - last night I told Chris that I always feel like I'm letting people down every month when we aren't pregnant. He said I can't worry about what other people think, and I explained that I'm not worried what others think, I just hate that so many of our loved ones are supporting us, praying for us, hoping for us, and every month we have to bring them bad news - because MY body can't get it together. He said he totally understood feeling that. It's hard to always be calling your family and telling them it didn't work. We cannot wait for the day when we can call you and let you know that our dream has finally come true!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Round 4

Happy Friday everyone! On Tuesday we found out that our third attempt was unsuccessful. I honestly didn't even cry this time. I think that pregnancy seems so impossible to me that I honestly don't even expect it to work anymore. I know that might sound like a terrible thing to say, and obviously we haven't completely given up hope because we are trying one last time. It's just that it's easier when you don't let your heart believe that it can really work.

My doctor says it takes 3-4 times, so we are trying one more time. However, we do have an appointment to talk to him next week about what to do if the 4th time is unsuccessful as well. We think he will still leave IVF on the table as an option and then there is also adoption. We really aren't sure what direction we will go in. Both are expensive and uncertain and scary. We are trying to gather as much information about all our options right now so that we can make the best decision possible for our family.

Thank you to all of you who have supported us and reached out. I posted on FB, but will reiterate that we are looking for any info on adoption that you might offer. I talked to a friend today and learned so much just from a 20 minute conversation!

Please keep my whole family in your prayers - it's amazing how infertility touches everyone. Our parents are sad that they haven't had the chance for grandchildren yet - and are obviously sad that we are hurting. My brother won't get the chance to be an uncle - at the end of the day, we have to just keep telling ourselves that we will have a child someday, although the journey to that child might be uncertain right now.

We will keep you updated.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Sorry I haven't updated since the test on Friday. We had our HSG test - they put dye in my fallopian tubes, took an xray and checked for any blockages. Fortunately, everything was normal! No blockages, and my doctor said sometimes just flushing the tubes with the dye can help, even if there are no blocks. Saturday morning we had an ultrasound and there were lots of good, big eggs. Everything looked good so we had our insemination this afternoon! Dr. A did it and was very funny usual. I told him I wished I had taken a pic of the HSG x-ray because it was very cool and he said, "yes, you have a fascinating uterus." Hilarious. Anyway, we will know 2 weeks from today if the third time really is a charm. Keep the prayers coming! I'm headed to Dallas next week and Chris to San Diego so that should take our  mind off things for awhile :) We will update in 2 weeks!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Round 3

Hello all, sorry I wasn't able to update until today. So we found out last Tuesday that Round 2 was unsuccessful. Tuesday was a tough day for us. It costs us $1000 for each round, so not only were we hoping that our emotional journey would be over, but our financial one too. It's difficult to plan for the future when we have no idea how long this will take.

At my last appointment, Dr. Awadalla mentioned a procedure to see if my Fallopian tubes are blocked. He said he would wait until we had tried our current process 3 times before doing the test. Some people have asked why the test wasn't done sooner. You can't test all people for all things. There is no reason to believe that my tubes are blocked, which is why I haven't had the test. Even if my tubes are blocked, that in no way would have affected our IVF cycle. The test is called a Hysterosalpingogram or HSG. During the procedure, a dye will be injected into my ovaries and then an x-ray will be taken to see if the dye is able to flow through the tubes correctly. We will have the results of the test immediately. The next day I am scheduled for my normal ultrasound to check on my eggs.

I'm not sure what will happen if my tubes are blocked, it depends on many factors, so I can't really say for sure what the next step would be, we will have to wait until Friday.

Chris and I have been talking about adoption a lot lately. We both really feel its not for us. I think adopting a child is an amazing thing for a couple to do, but we just don't feel its right for us. I was talking to one of my good friends about it and she said, "you know this doesn't like something you want to do, you haven't said anything positive about in 20 minutes!" Obviously, our feelings may change about this in the future, but for now, we are committed to finding ways for me to carry our child.

I'll update again on Friday after the procedure. It's a simple thing - I can drive myself there and home, no big deal. Thanks for the prayers -

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Round 2, here we go!

I'm sitting here watching Giuliana & Bill (a show on E!)... if you don't know, they are a celebrity couple who has experienced fertility issues as well and are now pregnant using a surrogate after many unsuccessful IVF attempts and one successful attempt that ended in miscarriage. Watching their story is really emotional for me because I can totally relate to what they are feeling. Giuliana said (before the surrogate pregnancy), "Why are we being punished?" Sometimes it really does feel like that. The rational part of my brain knows that this isn't true, but there is still a part of you that feels you've done something wrong to deserve this.

In good news, I had an ultrasound yesterday and am scheduled for insemination tomorrow (Wednesday). Our doctor said my eggs and lining look great and he wouldn't change my medication at all. He reminded me that it really does take up to 3 times so I shouldn't be worried yet.

Not sure if I have mentioned this in a previous post, but I have a little superstition regarding our doctors. There are 3 doctors in our practice and I have now had all 3 for at least one procedure. When Dr. Awadalla did our procedure, it was the one time it worked, so I really wanted him to inseminate this time. Luckily the schedules worked out so he will be there tomorrow to actually do the procedure! Yay! I know its stupid but when you are in such an uncontrollable situation, you will look for anything to control :)

So we should know something in about 2 weeks. We will keep you posted!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Take 2

So our first attempt has been unsuccessful.

We are very disappointed and extremely sad. I'm not really sure what else to say at this point. I'm so tired of counting days, of alternating between hope and hopelessness. I'm just really tired of it all. But, on to round 2 we go. Should know again by the end of June. Thanks for everyone who is keeping us in your prayers.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Waiting Game

Good morning! Just thought I would quickly post to let everyone know that insemination went smoothly last week. We thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers! We had a different doctor this time than we've ever had, Dr. Burwinkel. I told him he better be our lucky charm! It was a pretty emotional experience... just thinking about all the what ifs and praying so hard that it works. So now the waiting game is on. Burwinkel said we could take a home test as early as next Thursday. Once I have positive at home test, they will bring me in for a blood test. So that's really all that's going on now, we will absolutely let everyone know what's going on once we have had the blood test and gotten our numbers back!! Thanks for all your support -

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's about Time!

Hello everyone! I'm sorry it's been awhile since we've updated, but not much as really been going on...

I had a doctor's appointment today, however, and we have at least one good egg ready for insemination this weekend! I was on Clomid this month which helps ensure good, strong eggs. We are very excited but also super nervous. Our donor sperm arrived at the doctor's office today so we are truly ready to go.

Lots of you have asked us questions about choosing a donor, so here's the story in a nutshell. We used the sperm bank recommended by our fertility doctor. It's actually located in Virginia, it's not local. The bank is very reputable, only 1% of all applicants are actually accepted as donors. You can search donors online and look at tons of different physical and psychological qualities. Our first priority was blond hair and blue eyes, for obvious reasons. Beyond that, we also read the essay questions that each donor is asked. I have listed them below, with our donor's answers.

What is your most memorable childhood experience?
My most memorable childhood experience was playing baseball. I remember being part of a baseball team from the time I could swing a bat and up through elementary school. I was able to meet many friends, learn about sports, fitness, and team work, and also become part of a loving organization. It was a way for me to bond with all my friends and family members.

What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I closely identify with my father the most. He was always interested in sports, education, and everyone's overall well-being. We always seem to be on the same page and have similar thought processes. Having a good father figure while growing up has allowed me to remain close and identify with my father the most.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire love in an individual the most. A person with love seems to be more relaxed, calm, and accepting. A person who loves their own life and the lives of others is a person I like to be around. The presence of love alone is satisfying and relieves stress and fear. I believe that with love come patience, serenity, peace, and pure happiness. I think that love is the root of many virtuous traits.

What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you? (this was an important question to us!)
One of the funniest things to happen to me would be when I was in a police station for a few hours. I was trying to sell my car and a foreign buyer sent me a check. It looked counterfeit so I took it to the bank to have them take a look at it. The bank teller thought I was the one who made the check and thought I was trying to cash it. She called the police and I spent a good time in the police station trying to make them understand that I was not part of the scam. After a while, they figured it out and let me go. Looking back now, it was a pretty funny incident!
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?
If I had the time and means to travel anywhere, I would like to go to all sorts of places. I would love to go to Scotland and Ireland to see the land and meet the people. I would go to England and visit museums and old artifacts. I would love to see Germany and see where so much recent history has taken place. France and Spain would be great to visit. I would also like to to visit Japan, China, and other Asian cultures to taste the food and find out why other people say it is so beautiful. It would be hard for me to pick only one place; I would like to see everything.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?
If I ever have children of my own, the most important thing I want to pass on to them is the meaning and value of family. Having a solid and caring family creates a meaning for life. With a meaning for life, a person can be happy regardless of whatever else is happening. So the one thing I would pick most of all to pass down to my children and for them to pass down to theirs is the value of family.

We were also able to view our donor's medical history and the history of siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Ours has a clean bill of health, of course :) 

We also had the option of buying pictures, but we aren't really interested in that. This is Chris' baby and we don't really care what the guy looks like. 

Many of you have asked us questions about the process, and we are happy to continue to answer them. Everyone has been so supportive, and we truly couldn't have done this without everyone's love. 

So now the scary part really begins. Another 2 week countdown. I am very scared it won't work this time. I know that it's very likely it won't - it usually takes 1-3 times. But I know deep down my heart is hoping that we will be pregnant this time. I think I will definitely need to grieve if that doesn't happen, but we will pick ourselves up and get ready for next time! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A New Path

I know we haven't been updating on the blog lately, but the journey to parenthood has never been far from our minds. Over the past few months, we have been trying to decide what path is the best for us and our future family.

A few months ago, Chris and I were driving home and out of nowhere I said, "What about using a sperm donor?" This was not something that we had ever discussed. That night, we talked a little bit about it and thought it might be a good option if IVF didn't work for us this summer.

I couldn't get the thought out of my head though. I felt so much more comfortable with using a donor than with adoption. If we went this route, we would still get to be pregnant, I would get to have a baby, to nurse a baby, to have all those first moments with a child. We could be much more in control of the in-utero experience and no one could change their minds at the last minute.

Chris and I started researching and set up an appointment to meet with our fertility doctor to discuss this option. We had many long conversations. Chris felt like the ultimate decision was more up to me because I have always talked about how I wanted our baby to look like him. I felt like the decision was more up to him because he would be giving up the dream of having his biological child.

We spoke with our doctor, and he encouraged us to consider sperm donation as a viable route. It is much more cost effective than IVF, which I will discuss later. He said he has no reason to think that we won't be pregnant in 1-3 times of doing insemination with a donor.

That night, we talked a lot and cried a lot. It is a heart-breaking decision to come to. Ultimately, however, we have decided this is the right path for us. We want to be parents to raise a child in this world, not to merely have a child that looks like us. We will be this child's parents. We will still look at this child and know that we made him or her.

Why did we come to this decision over IVF? First and foremost, it is the decision that we believe is the most financially responsible for our family. We did do an online fundraiser and are so grateful to everyone who donated. If you donated and would like us to return your money, since we won't be doing IVF, please contact us. We will return your donation with no hard feelings!

Donor insemination isn't cheap. Each vial costs $675 and each round of insemination costs around $150-200. There are also shipping and storage charges as well. While this isn't inexpensive, it pales in comparison to the $13,000 needed for a fresh and frozen cycle of IVF. Donor insemination also gives us a much better chance of being able to have another child in the future. Once we are pregnant, we will order a few extra vials to be used in the future for a genetic sibling.

The process is pretty easy. We used a very reputable sperm bank to choose a donor. We researched what kind of people are accepted and only 1% of applicants make it through the screening process. We were able to screen donors by physical appearance, medical history for them and their family members, as well as reading essays that they wrote. Once we have ordered vials, the bank will ship them directly to our doctor. When we are ready, I will do clomid (oral medication) and have an ultrasound to make sure my eggs are looking good :) As our doctor said, "I won't unfreeze expensive sperm if you're eggs aren't great". Then, I will give myself one shot the night before we are inseminated. We will go in, and just like previous insemination with Chris' sperm, a small amount of sperm will be injected into my uterus. In 2 weeks, we will know if we are pregnant. There is a small risk of multiples, but only 2-3% higher than natural conception.

We have decided to wait until May to move forward with this process. We have been doing Weight Watchers since mid-January and want to lose some weight before we get pregnant. We are walking the Flying Pig Half Marathon on May 6th and will be inseminated later that month. It will also be good timing with school--if we do get pregnant, I won't have to be in school during the first early months of sickness and fatigue!

When we made this decision, there were 2 other immediate decisions we had to make. First, would we tell our child about this? We quickly decided that we will absolutely tell our child about this process. We don't think this will be appropriate until they are older, but we think it's important for them to know. Second, would we tell our friends? It was a no-brainer that we would tell our parents. We are so grateful that they all are supporting us in this decision and have been nothing but understanding. When it came to our friends, however, we knew it was it our business to keep quiet if we wanted to. The reason we are sharing with you is because we do not feel ashamed about our decision and don't want it to seem as if we are keeping a secret. We have let everyone into this process for our whole journey, and it would feel strange not to be open and honest about this too. We hope that other couples who might be experiencing infertility can find strength in our story and know that you are not alone.

If you have questions about the process, feel free to talk to us. We are open about this process and willing to share. Thanks for your understanding and support - it means so much to know that so many of you are praying for us.