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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Transfer Complete!

Our transfer this morning went great! The doctor said our embryos looked awesome and called it a "perfect transfer". I'll take perfection any day. The procedure itself was uncomfortable for me, but not too painful. We literally watched the embryos head into my uterus on the ultrasound screen. It was a pretty emotional moment for us. Not many people actually get to see the moment their embryos  enter the body so I guess I will count us lucky. I couldn't be more thankful that this process has gone so well! We will get a call Wednesday or Thursday letting us know how many embryos were frozen but it looks like we will have 3-4, which is good.

Hilarious story: as we are waiting for the nurse to take us back, Chris asked me if they have been playing classical music for the embryos during these "formative" days. He said, "they better not be playing any Lady Gaga, I don't want our kid to come out weird". Such a thoughtful dad already. ;-)

Below are some pics chronicling our trip today!

This first pic is of Chris' stylish outfit. The shirt was an extra-medium but the pants were HUGE! 

Here we are! So excited!!!

Isn't he adorable?

The gun show! 

Our embryos, the best and brightest! ;-) 

The petri dish where our embryos have been hanging out the past few days. Yes, we got to keep it. 

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