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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Great News!

Hello all! Today was a very big day and I apologize its taken me so long to get the update ready. This morning Chris and I went for our egg retrieval. On Sunday night I gave myself two shots to get our eggs ready to release. The timing of the shot had to be perfect, 15 minutes early or late and the entire procedure would have to be changed. Nuts! Monday was a day off from any meds, a welcome break!

Today started with a valium before we left the house before 7am. When we got to the doctor's office they gave me a lovely new outfit and IV (see pics). I got some more pain meds through the IV and was relatively knocked out for the procedure which only took 15 minutes. The doctor used a needle to enter my uterus and suck the eggs out of my ovaries. It wasn't painful during the procedure but I had a lot of cramping after. They gave me a vicodin to ease the pain which kicked in on the ride home. I kept telling Chris how awesome I felt!

I fell asleep as soon as we got home and slept for much of the day. After the vicodin wore off I was able to take some tylenol to ease the cramping. While I finally feel pretty good at 10pm, the doctors say that I will continue to experience some pain and cramping for the next few weeks.

SOOOO the great news is that we retrieved 10 eggs! My doctor said that is his favorite number because it's not too many and it's not too few. Maybe he tells that to all the ladies but it certainly made me feel good. Tomorrow they will call and let us know how many eggs were successfully fertilized. He said it is usually half so 4-5 would be a reasonable expectation.

Embryos will most likely go back in on Friday although it's possible it won't be until Sunday. I am feeling really good today because this procedure was the scariest part of this whole process. It was definitely the most unknown and therefore the scariest for me. I'm so glad it's over! Really, at this point, everything is pretty much out of my hands. I don't have to worry about shots anymore, and even though I will be taking some meds for the next few weeks, the worst is over.

I feel completely confident that we are going to get great news on August 6th! Thanks for all the prayers, please keep them coming!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! So happy for both you and Chris! And of course...constantly keeping you in our prayers! Love ya...
