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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Purpose--Post 1

Hello friends and family,

To start, I want to explain the purpose behind this blog. As many of you know, over the past year Chris and I have been trying to have a baby. This dream has not become a reality for us yet and we are beginning the in-vitro process now. We want everyone to be informed about the process in the most efficient way possible for us! We have decided to share this blog with you so you can have a glimpse into our journey and stay up to date on what's happening.

We could not have made it this far without our friends and family. We cannot thank you enough for your love and support during this difficult time. I think some question our openness with everyone about what we're going through. For us, sharing our journey with others helps us cope and reminds us of all the support we have.

Since I'm on summer break, I should be able to update often so check back to keep up with the latest! Love you all,


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