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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just the facts-- Post 4

Quick facts about our in-vitro cycle.

Cost: with meds, about $12,000.

Cost with frozen embryos if first attempt doesn't work: $3500.

Cost to keep embryos frozen for one year: $400

Success rate: fresh embryos--60%. My doctor says that due to my age I am an ideal candidate for IVF and he is very confident. Frozen embryos--40%. I told Chris that those stats equal 100% so we're good...he's not sure that's exactly how stats work ;-) 

Probability of twins: approx 30%. My personal probability might be a little higher since my uterus doesn't seem to have any problems with implantation or carrying a baby. To be honest, after all this, I think we are hoping for twins so we never have to go through anything like this again!

Chris and I have applied for a grant to get up to $10,000 towards IVF but have not yet heard if we won it. We should be hearing any day!

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