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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"You're crying and I'm eating cheese coneys..."

Wondering what that title means? Well then, read on friends!

First of all, I guess I should start by saying, WE ARE PREGNANT! Yup, you read that right! Yes we were supposed to find out on the 6th and no, that wasn't a trick date. Here's how it all went down...

Yesterday (Tuesday) my friend convinced me I should take a pregnancy test after school. I drove to Walgreens and picked up a pack. Chris was going to meet his dad at the driving range, so no one was home. On my way I called Chris and my  mom to chit chat and told them I was buying a test. When I got home, I peed on the test and did my usual waiting. Except this time, things were different. Right away, 2 lines appeared. 2 lines. The 2 lines I have been waiting to see FOREVER! I freaked out. I called my friend and was literally screaming. She calmed me down and told me to go find Chris.

I called Chris and my mom and somehow was able to lie and tell them both the test was negative... I really wanted to tell them in person. Chris was heading to Skyline to grab a bite to eat before meeting his dad. I met him there. When he pulled in I was waiting outside, chewing my lip. He said he knew something was up and just mouthed the word "pregnant?" I started smiling and he literally smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face! We hugged and I cried and then we went in so he could eat.

We were sitting there and I started crying again. He said, "I feel bad that you're crying and I'm eating cheese coneys!" Hence, the title. I took another test in Skyline bathroom that was positive again. I proceeded to tell the manager that I just found out I was pregnant in his bathroom. Hilarious.

I was literally shaking so hard I couldn't drive, so Chris drove us down to the range to meet his dad. We told him, and he was extremely excited. We followed him home, stopping at CVS to buy more tests. We told his mom and I peed on a stick again! Positive again! After a few minutes, I finally asked if we could go tell my mom.

We drove to her house and I ran through the front door, scaring Rick half to death. She just looked at me and then started crying. I said, "I lied, I lied!" She hugged me, Chris and Rick. It was truly awesome. I was very nervous though because it was so much earlier than the blood test. However, when you consider the embryos were put in at 5 days old, they are technically now 13 days old, which is old enough to show up on a test. I felt much better this morning when I peed on a stick for a 4th time and talked to my doctor. They told me if it was positive it was positive, and I am pregnant!

I now have a blood test on Friday and another on Tuesday to make sure my hormone levels are progressing as they should. We will find out in about 4 weeks how many baby Kays there are!

We truly cannot thank everyone enough for their prayers. It felt so good this morning to talk to God and thank Him for this gift. We need the prayers to keep coming though, we certainly aren't in the "safe zone" just yet.

Tentative due date: May 11, 2012.


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