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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The cutest smudge ever

Today was our ultrasound and the first time we got to peek in on Baby Kays! Yes, baby, as in singular, one. While I am sure we could have handled twins, I am happy that we can focus all our attention on one baby. A spoiled one it will be!

Our doctor said everything looked great and we even got to see the heartbeat! Very amazing, considering the baby is the size of a pea! The heartbeat isn't loud enough to hear yet on an ultrasound - have to wait until 12 weeks for that, but it is alive and kicking and we couldn't be happier!

We go back in 2 weeks just to check everything out one more time and then we will be released to my regular OBGYN.

I truly cannot believe how in love I can already be with something that looks like a tadpole :) but it was most definitely the cutest, smartest smudge I have ever seen!!!

Thank you for all your love and support over the past 2 weeks, keep us in your prayers, our journey is nowhere near over - Love you all,

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