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Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 5 :)

Hello all,

Many of you have been asking how I've been feeling so I thought I would just send out a general update. We are currently in week 5 (according to my calculations) and I'm feeling OK. I am definitely tired, but it's the first week of school so everyone is tired! Yesterday I started coming down with a cold and I definitely am not feeling well because of that. The doctor said I could take zyrtec, benadryl, mucinex, tylenol etc. but I really don't want to take anything just yet. So for the first time in my life we'll see if my body can beat this cold by itself! :) Glad to have a 3 day weekend to take it easy -

Other than that, Chris and I are both doing well. He is being crazy overprotective, which for the time being, is very cute. He is making me eat salmon (omega -3s make smart babies, ya know) and listen to classical music (see the last comment). He is limiting my intake of caffeine and sugar, but I have to say, he is doing the same for himself so I won't complain :)

We are very anxious for our ultrasound next Wednesday Sept. 5 in the afternoon. We cannot wait to see our baby (or tadpole as it is right now) and make sure he/she is growing as expected. We will certainly update you all after next week's appointment.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers, I can't believe we still have 35 weeks to go!! :) I am ready to enjoy every minute -

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