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Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Sorry I haven't updated since the test on Friday. We had our HSG test - they put dye in my fallopian tubes, took an xray and checked for any blockages. Fortunately, everything was normal! No blockages, and my doctor said sometimes just flushing the tubes with the dye can help, even if there are no blocks. Saturday morning we had an ultrasound and there were lots of good, big eggs. Everything looked good so we had our insemination this afternoon! Dr. A did it and was very funny usual. I told him I wished I had taken a pic of the HSG x-ray because it was very cool and he said, "yes, you have a fascinating uterus." Hilarious. Anyway, we will know 2 weeks from today if the third time really is a charm. Keep the prayers coming! I'm headed to Dallas next week and Chris to San Diego so that should take our  mind off things for awhile :) We will update in 2 weeks!

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