Hello all! Just thought I'd update about my follow up doctor's appointment and confirm that yes, Wednesday night we will find out if we are having a boy or girl!
I went to the doctor last Wednesday to get my blood pressure checked again. It was the same as it had been the week before. The doctor took a lot of time to talk to me and explained it this way. Because it's before 20 weeks, this isn't gestational-caused high BP. She said that my BP isn't high enough to be very concerned and she wouldn't recommend trying to lower it to a more "normal" level. She explained that as my baby and placenta have been developing, they've gotten used to my higher BP. If we tried to artificially make it drop, it could be detrimental to the baby. Obviously if it gets higher, they will try to lower it, but for now, everything is OK. I also asked about preeclampsia. She explained that preeclampsia has 2 symptoms: high BP and elevated protein in your urine. Since my BP is already elevated, she ordered a urine test to get a base level of my protein now so if we are concerned about preeclampsia in the future, we can have something to compare it to. So today I have been tied to the house and have had to collect all my urine in a jug. Yes, pregnancy is so glamorous, huh! The doctor really made me feel safe and I am not worried at all. We will continue to monitor things and deal with any problems as they occur.
Which brings me to Wednesday! Yay! Our ultrasound is at 7:30 pm which make Wednesday a LOOOOONG day! Brendan, my mom and Rick will all be there and Penny and Denny will be there over speaker phone. I promise to post the news asap :)
Just FYI, all my money is on a boy! :)